» Our Services Are
Balconies - Renovation of concrete balconies. Concrete renovations, plastering, cuttering of concrete gutters and coatings of facades.
Stone and concrete facades - Removals of existing paintworks with several plasting-techniques, repair works and coatings & painting.
Wooden facades - Removals of existing paintworks with Speedheater, repair works and coatings & painting.
Managerial and consulting services - Repair- and project planning, supervisor-services and calculation of offers. We also provide specialized consulting to support projects.
Paint removal from a tin roof with Nordplast wet sandplasting equipment
Wet sandblasting
Swimming-hall City of Oulainen
Facades plastering with silicon/fiber-hartz.
Water and salt resistant solution for concrete and stone surfaces.
Here you can see more of our projects: Click the picture to see detailed information.